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Online Course

Angels are amazing beings to work with, they have personalities, they have gifts and strengths to offer us as we come together as a team to connect and work towards a unified goal. The number of times my angelic team have showed me ways to go about things, that have helped me immensely to the quirks that result in a bit of laughter, be it something I have said or done, or something they have suggested.

This course and experience will open the doors to you with regards to not only connecting with Angels but spirit in general. So dive in and come and have a play with these amazing skills we all have, but like a muscle, needs time and work to develop.

About this course: This course will give you the tools and resources you need to develop your ability to connect with your Angelic team, work with them and continue to communicate with them with confidence.

Learn about the different dimensions, where the angels fit into those dimensions, how to use discernment when working with spirit, whilst using different tools and developing different skills to strengthen your ability to connect and communicate with your Angels.

By understanding the ways we communicate and the ways angels communicate, you will start to notice more and more ways they try to get your attention in the everyday, making life's' journey so much more fun and interesting.

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Call: 021 256 6320